Archive for June, 2008

Pink Lady

Monday, June 30th, 2008

I’ve been a bit stuck for inspiration when it comes to the pink bathroom. I like the tile, but hate the built-in vanity and closet, medicine cabinet and all the old (not vintage in a good way) lights. All are in pretty rough shape and not very stylish. So how do you decorate a small vintage pink and black bathroom? You know, but with mid century flair

I saw the above pic posted at RetroRenovation of a makeover that Real Simple magazine did. Its OK but feels a little Golden Girls to me…

via: Design*Sponge, Apartment Therapy

Kind of yummy. Maybe I should just go crazy girly and do a kitschy pink feminine kind of thing

via:Flickr and Flickr

I just want to avoid stuff like this as much as possible…

Bad remodeling and cheap Home Depot updating drive me crazy! Damn you HGTV…thats just UGLY.

OK, what should I do with this pink lady – any ideas?

Towel OFF

Monday, June 30th, 2008

In the pink bathroom (our main bathroom) there was only one usable towel rod. It totally sucked and it seems that a small hand towel was the only thing that could fit.

Here are the holes…I forgot to document the stupid thing before I tore it off the wall. It was glorious to tear it down.

Since there was only that one usable towel rod in the entire bathroom – the Boy loved to hang his towel on the shower curtain rod. This small thing over months and months drove me totally f*ing nuts…below is the offending towel…

I would like to install vintage acrylic or glass towel rods to go with the glass handles I plan to use on the vanity. I haven’t found any vintage towel rods I’m in love with (or can afford) so I bought these $3 “budget” towel bars at ACE Hardware in a fit of rage.

They are ugly and cheap, but at least the towel isn’t blocking the shower curtain from closing now. I was SO FREAKING tired of wiping up shower time over spray…

Yup. This is about the only project I’ve done recently…its a little uninspiring. There was a lot more beer around than pictured.

BEFORE – with towel blockage – and AFTER with a fully closed shower curtain! Hooray!

Landscape inspiration

Thursday, June 26th, 2008

Its hot. Like unbelievably hot here at The Brick House. So it seems that any plans for landscaping will have to wait till the end of summer. I’m actually dreading that part of the house rehab. I know nothing about plants or growing things in the desert or how to landscape so it looks nice and not like a sad cactus garden and I can’t afford a designer. (And I surely wouldn’t want to do any book learning to figure that stuff out. Really? Gardening? Sounds B-O-R-I-N-G).

Since we are so close to Palm Springs I thought I could take some inspiration from them…


These images below are definitely fitting into my idea of what I’d like to do.
(**I’m so sorry if I used your image and don’t credit it here. I started collecting them months ago and have no clue were they came from…)

I’m not really sure how attainable this look is. We fortunately (or unfortunately) have about 10,000 sq. ft. of property that needs LOTS of tender loving landscaping. All I see are dollar signs…

God I want that pool so freaking bad right now. Its so perfect – I would totally copy that for my side yard.

Do you remember our fence?

Its so awesome! I look at that monstrosity everyday and die a little inside. So anyhoo – fence inspiration:

I want horizontal wood. Everywhere. Or hard troweled plaster…

Just for giggles…

Above is our sad driveway and front yard…and below some inspiration to remedy that situation:

This project will take FOREVER to finish. It is just so overwhelming in its scope and cost that I’m frozen in fear to even start pricing materials out. I think the fence and driveway are the first on the list to complete…check back in like 3 years and see if we even started, I have a feeling we won’t.