Archive for May, 2009


Tuesday, May 12th, 2009

We’ve had guests at The Brick House for the last few days including little Mr. Maxi – the unfortunately named fluffy white dog.

He is a fun little guest, but mostly Maxi makes my dog Iggy nervous.

Here’s a fun game called “Where’s Iggy”? Look to see if you can find Iggy cowering like a little bitch.

My questions for you:

Do you have a nightmare house guest story?
What can you deal with and what drives you f*ing nuts?

Ikea Mouse

Monday, May 11th, 2009

I got a mouse pad.

From Ikea – of course – I just hate to love Ikea. I think its lovely with my new pencil holder…slowly, I’m going to get this desk organized.

I had been using a copy of the book Retro Modern as a mouse pad for the last few months. So definitely this is an upgrade.

At $0.99 I think it was a pretty good deal. Plus the black is hot. This might be the lamest post ever. Its been a long week.

Stick it in the holes

Monday, May 11th, 2009

I got a new pencil holder that solves the pressing issue of loose crazed pens messing up my pristine desk area. I acquired this corky ball of fun on Etsy from seller RabbitOhRabbit.

It fits all my criteria for desk accessories. The globe is multi-functional, elegantly designed, and totally vintage. Which I guess could be said of that picture of “Chester the Molester” as well.