Archive for May, 2009


Thursday, May 14th, 2009

(via Eichler Homes in Sacramento)
*I hope to be this amazingly stylish when I grow up.

Many thanks again to everyone for their support in the Rejuvenation contest. (VOTE VOTE VOTE). You guys helped more than DOUBLE the votes in just over a day, which is just amazing. Voting ends May 31 – so we have time to totally destroy Charity Beth L’s, Real Houswives of OC’s cluttered kitchen.

Tikimama of Atomic Tea Party did a great post in support of me and ye old bricky house as well as Gretchen of Eichler Homes in Sacramento entries in the contest.

I decided to check out Gretchen’s blog and found out that she is the lucky owner of not just one great mid century house but also an amazing Eichler. One of her great discoveries was a bunch of slides of the old owners (as seen above with the gorgeous Mrs. H in pearls) in the home with all their awesome decor. Now these folks had style!

Well I spotted a really great DIY that is so simple and great looking that any mid century lover could appreciate it.

(via Eichler Homes in Sacramento)

Look at this awesome vintage console…but what is so awesome about it (besides ALL the accessories)? The whole thing is constructed of two long planks of wood painted black and some cement pavers stacked in between the shelves and on the floor. It looks like they made the height a perfect fit for their collection of encyclopedias.

This is like the easiest thing in the world to make and costs almost nothing. Yet the utilitarian materials and elegant proportions keep it from looking too dorm chic and totally worthy of gracing a lovely Eichler.

(via Eichler Homes in Sacramento)

It is accessorized with so much style – its hard to tell the decade at all. Crafty. I think this might be well adapted to a nice low media console, with all those unsightly electronics placed artfully on shelves. I mean you could have multiple levels, wrap around corners, build it tall…the possibilities are exciting.

I think a trip to Home Depot might be in order very soon to copy this great look.

Hot Damn

Wednesday, May 13th, 2009

Don’t kid yourself, you know that is one sexy bitch. Very orange and very very naughty.

This flirty daybed now resides at The Brick House after many many travels around So Cal. It has literally been around the block – A LOT. The chaise will eventually be reupholstered in something sophisticatedly sexy as opposed to this “too much lipstick and micro-mini skirt wearing attention seeking lady of the night” orange fur.

Color suggestions anyone?

***Thanks Maya, you are the official supreme Craigslist finder. None can rival your skills.

I am shamelessly BEGGING you – don’t move away.

Making your home your own

Tuesday, May 12th, 2009


I am about to revert into a completely juvenile ass-face. Apologies all around…here we go.

I don’t mind losing this Rejuvenation contest to some house that is spectacularly beautiful and inspiring – but right now these places are totally kicking my ass.

Kristin J, Evanston, IL
83 votes

Satin? Really? Blue, maroon, and tobacco yellow satin. Could a more depressing color combo exist? This looks like a funeral home.

Kari H, Waverly, NY
88 votes

OK, you found a depressing mural and restored it. Kudos for history. Its just doesn’t scream unique and creative. It screams wallpaper border.

Lisa W, Minneapolis, MN
181 votes

HOME DEPOT + TAUPE = BORING. ‘Nuff said. I hate this.

Charity Beth L, Charles Town, WV
228 votes

KNICK KNACKS, BRIC-A-BRAC, JUNK JUNK JUNK everywhere. Where do you cook on these counters? In between the piles of accessories? New rule – not every surface needs to be covered in crap.

And yet this kitchen has been the clear front runner since the start. I just don’t get the appeal.

It seems so Housewives of Orange County to me…like bad taste trying to be classy. It might be OK on a bland kind of way if you just edit a lot and get rid of the window treatments.

You know I’m not a complete dick. There are entries that I find to be so gorgeous, but are barely getting any attention.

Katherine W. Anaheim, CA
16 votes

This is lovely! Clean, elegant, thoughtful and historically aware. I’d love to cook here…but it only has 16 votes? WTF. This place is adorable.

Tamara A, Seattle, WA
44 votes

I’m not in love with everything about this space and the angles in the photos are a little weird. BUT – those counters…oh my – so f*ing nice. I would totally copy that in a really minimal modern kitchen.

Link Diana & Jim R, Portland, OR
20 votes

This is just so creepy.


So how do I get my 71 votes to kick the ass of The Real Housewives of Orange County kitchen in Charles Town?

NO – REALLY how?

Do I need to blow readers, or trade kinky favors, or maybe make cupcakes? What is the answer to understanding America’s renovating taste on the interweb? (Now these are the important questions I always hoped to be asking on this blog).

Dearest bloggers, design lovers, people of taste – don’t let The Real Housewives of OC win. Let us band together and not let bland Home Depot design pass as good taste or personal creative aesthetics. I’d rather have the weird guy in the tub from Portland win than that overly accessorized kitchen. At least he’s got a unique little bath spot with a great view.