I wish I had a whole room dedicated to just being a home office – how luxurious that would be. Instead our built in office desk shares space with the den. I guess having a den is pretty fab though.
I hate the metal task lamp hardwired above the desk. It cooks my computer when turned on (like a heat lamp). We never use it so I thought I would just rip it out.
Oops. Its gone.
Now that its gone I don’t quite know what to do to cover up the hole. So I thought…ART.
Well all art options look kind of crappy. Its like the scale and shape is off. I’m not sure what to do to hide the old hole and make the desk area snazzy.
This mystery calls for inspiration…
Shelves could work…maybe. Seems a little treacherous in earthquake country, especially over my most beloved piece of technology.
I want a Bertoia chair cover. Oh, and an awesome window.
(April issue of Ladies Home Journal)
Mirror? I think that one is kind of ugly…but maybe something rectangular?
A bearskin would cover it. I guess guns would make it all in good taste.
Uggghhh. What should I do with that hole?
(thats what she said)