Archive for 2009


Monday, April 27th, 2009

Desire to Inspire)

Why must lovely dark houses keep popping up and persuading me to paint my house charcoal! Dammit!!! I know, I live in the desert. It is a HORRIBLE idea to paint my house almost black when it can easily get over 100 degrees for three months and I have no insulation.

Oh but I LOVE it SO much. When is form better than function?


Monday, April 27th, 2009

I bet you were wondering…

What is that lovely Eames armchair in the den?

I bought that a little while ago from Dean over at My Little Apartment.
Thanks Dean – I got a new base and its fab.

Cowhide Rugs – in action!

Saturday, April 25th, 2009

I bought 2 cowhides off of Craigslist (thanks Maya – I know that guy was weird) for $50 a pop.

One ended up in the master bedroom at the end of the bed instead of the peacock blue Hemmet rug from Ikea. I LOVE it. I love the shape, the color, and how it breaks up all the angles in the room.

I added the other to the den. I’m not as happy with it here, but still I like it more than the ugly brown rug I had before. Now I want to change a whole bunch of things, the coffee table, the couch, I want a larger white cowhide rug…uggggh.