Archive for March, 2010

Road Trip

Friday, March 26th, 2010

The Boy and I took a quick little road trip through the deserts of California, Nevada, and Arizona for a few days.

No reason in particular and with nothing exciting in mind, just got a sudden case of wanderlust to get up and get out of town for a short while. We ended up near Lake Mead but the most beautiful thing we passed were the salt flats near the ghost town of Amboy, Ca.

A salty and desolate ocean in the middle of the Mojave…

Feeling rested and revived to start work on this old brick again.


Tuesday, March 23rd, 2010

This is one for the Thrifty! Hall of Fame.

Vintage. Herman Miller. Eames. 670. Lounge Chair.

Sadly no ottoman.

It did come with some unfortunate Thrifty! issues:

– A broken spider base…look at that aluminum peel.

-Missing seat buttons and some wear and tear on the leather.

-The urethane coat was flaking off the molded plywood panels.

-Deep gauges, scrathes and paint on the wood.

-White paint on the seat.

-Dry and FILTHY leather.

The bad boy could be fixed up a bit to restore some of it’s original luster. I sanded off the urethane and treated the molded plywood with Danish Oil and eventually buffed with Feed-N-Wax.

The spider base had snapped in two places. I used JB Weld to epoxy them back together. Ugly but works! Still not sure how to handle that peeling aluminum base…

The chrome got buffed with some steel wool and the leather got treated and cleaned with a spray on leather conditioner.

So here is the best part.

I was driving to the lumber yard near my work and of course was keeping an eye out at a couple of the weird thrift stores on the way. I drove past this small thrift store (I can NEVER remember the name) called the Help Center something or Earth Aliens or something weird and SLAMMED on my brakes. Backed up (on the main road through town) and pulled into the dirt lot.

Sitting outside was the saddest dusty but very obvious Eames lounge chair. Hello beautiful.

I waited patiently next to it while the owner chatted on the phone and after he was done I casually asked after the price.

“Oh this chair? I just picked it up a half hour ago”. Then this other lady owner shouts. “Hey, ain’t that one of those Eames chairs?” BUSTED.

Then for like five minutes everyone discussed that yes indeed it was an Eames chair, and wow those are pricey, and what a nice chair, and oh we should clean it up it’s so filthy…

Then the owner man was like “Well do you know who’s chair this is? It’s Richard Page from that band from the 80’s, oh you know – Mr. Mister. He’s a wonderful artist, you should see his work. Just amazing. I know you like the chair don’t you? I saw you in the road stop and back up…”

I have to confess, I had NO CLUE what Mr. Mister ever sang (it’s Broken Wings BTW), but it just seems like such a weirdly specific thing to lie about that I’m inclined to believe it may have actually been the lead singers from Mr. Mister old Eames chair.

Finally the topic of price came up after an excruciatingly long time…

“Why don’t you give me $60 for it.” I countered with $50 because of the poor condition. “Alright sweety, $50 it is. You got yourself a good deal.”


Slat Screen

Monday, March 22nd, 2010

The next big exterior project will be constructing the horizontal wood slat screen on the front porch. I’ve gone on and on and on about doing this project (and it’s probably the project I’m most excited to do) since I think it will make the biggest architectural statement in our whole Year Of The Exterior remodel.

Sketchup to the rescue yet again…trying to work out all the hardscape elements for the front yard.

I think we will use Redwood…? Maybe?

Other than that I’m not actually sure how to build this thing. I’ve been discussing the physical construction process of how to make it work with carpenter Craig, but he wants to use a bit of heavy duty hardware that I feel might distract from the clean modern aesthetic we are going for.

Any suggestions or secrets about how to achieve this horizontal screen before we screw up yet another DIY project?