Archive for April, 2010

Mod Swap

Monday, April 26th, 2010

The Boy and I headed out to San Diego on Sunday to check out Mod Swap (which he called “Mop Swap” during the entire hour and a half ride there). I’ve been rocking a super nasty cold and have since decided it was a terrible idea to venture out even though *at the time* I convinced myself I’d be fine. Now it’s a million times worse. Stupid failing body.

I know a certain someone got this round Eames Aluminum Group coffee table I had my eye on for a little bit, and a certain someone else (with those fancy leather boots) took home a nice black Bertoia diamond chair.

I loved this brass multi-tiered thing and from a distance thought it was a chandelier and couldn’t be more delighted. Unfortunately it was just a stand (plant maybe?) so the event turned out to be a bit of a bust for me. I did bring home two Eames bases for $20 for a couple of side shell chairs I’ve been working on. I still need to test them and fix them up a bit to see if they will fly for the kitchen bar area.

These were the standout Kings of Chairs at the event. The one with the ottoman was about $700 (so therefore unattainable) and the other was sold. Poop.


Wednesday, April 21st, 2010

A couple of old friends made the long trek out from LA to spend a fun weekend thrifting, talking landscape design, not going to Coachella, watching bar fights and chatting with late night 7-11 hookers.

You can see these and more of Bianca’s photos of the trip at her fabu bloggity.

The Brick House is pretty far off the beaten path and it’s always a pleasure to have people out to the house to enjoy a little of the local Hemet flavor – and Hemet did not disappoint!


Tuesday, April 20th, 2010

Well, first of all, thanks for all your ever so charming advice about our T.O.P situation. We did actually look at a stove this weekend, but at 36″ it was too small (which sealed the deal that we really need a 40″ – which in turn – is so much more a pain in the ass and costly).

So the whole convection oven thing is seeming like a really good idea…

Which means we are still undecided. Now I’m thinking using it for hardscaping the front yard might be a better solution. Awww, fickle fickle renovation.

But anywho. Ceramics!

I’ve found these little babies and the group of three larger pieces over the past few weeks. All I can find recently is ceramics…maybe it’s all I’m looking for.

Oh, and check it out, I got a log to stick in the fireplace. OOOOOOOOOOO, spooky – it looks like it’s floating.