Archive for August, 2010

Reader Request

Wednesday, August 25th, 2010

Tough times my friends, tough times.

The Brick House is now accepting advertising. I am also now available for any freelance writing, photography work or design consultation you may need. Also, if you are in the Inland Empire and need a whip smart, design savvy and motivated employee I’d love to submit an application. I can be reached via:

Any suggestions for available positions or firms to approach would be much appreciated. I will be combing the employment pages.

Thank you readers, fellow bloggers, new friends. You are my constant joy to read, exchange ideas with and be inspired by. I’m looking forward to transitioning into a new career and would be ecstatic to receive any suggestions, tips or advice.


Morgan Satterfield

Hallo, Guten Morgen.

Tuesday, August 24th, 2010

What does Angelina Jolie and The Brick House have in common? Well, almost nothing really except for being mentioned in the September issue of German Glamour.

Hey now!

I have no idea what it says!

Front Door, Finished

Monday, August 23rd, 2010

The front door needed a few final tweaks to make it the bomb shit. We patched up the old hinge holes left after the screen door was removed and slapped on a few final coats of paint.

Pur-tty. Like they were never there.

You know what fills an old hinge hole really well? Paint stir sticks from Home Depot. We’ve patched a fair amount of old hinge holes using stir sticks and somehow they are the perfect width and depth. Trim it to height, glue it in the hole, nail it, wood filler, sand it down and BAM! No more old hinge hole.

The door is looking pretty snazzy. We planned on painting the porch on Sunday but it was soooo hot and I was so exhausted. Sunday marked the end of my long summer work schedule, so I’m free, free to work on the house on the weekends again!

Instead of working on anything though we just ended up lounging in the tank pool and watching True Blood.

Even with all the frustration of fixing and patching the front door instead of getting a new one, I’m pretty happy with the result. We have four more doors to install in the back of the house, and we will definitely go the new route. Now finding affordable modern single light glass doors is the new goal.

I can’t wait to landscape, it’s long overdue. The front of the house is looking so sexy that the weeds are kind of like Alexander Skarsgard with a shirt on. Totally ruins the view.