Archive for September, 2010


Wednesday, September 1st, 2010

I went thrifting in what feels like the first time since hell froze over and was feeling a bit rusty after an extended break from being out on the streets patrolling for vintage goods. I spent most of the day trying to find a groove but only found jack squat while wadding through packed thrift stores listlessly and a bit distracted. I hit all the usual spots and nothing – not even interesting smalls. It was like a wasteland of overpriced crap out there.

On the way to hit the last store on my route, I spotted a sign for a new thrift store that ended up being tucked away in an industrial storage facility in a total no-mans land of warehouses and despair. I can not explain how nice it is to find somewhere new, somewhere fresh, somewhere very well priced. Inside was great – just that perfect mix of jumbled furniture, racks of clothes and strange electronics, disgruntled employees and that very distinct thrift store smell.

Smells like victory.

There is nothing like 50% off day, and nothing is as good as a comfy vintage chair that swivels and rocks and only costs $10.

I’m calling it “The Captain’s Chair” and The Captain approves.