Archive for October, 2010

Side Yard Fence

Wednesday, October 27th, 2010

The side yard fence is continuing to slowly disintegrate. Hello neighbor! Who still refuses to contribute funds for the fixing.

It’s been a major agenda item to fix the side yard fence for some time, but first there was a heat wave, so working outside = yuck. Then it rained and drizzled for weeks on end, so again = yuck.

A side effect from all the rain is all this unwanted grass. I like my yard dead and dusty. The weeds are going nuts everywhere else. Gotta get planting…at least a little.

I have been taking the dogs out to play on the new lawn, since it will probably die or be dug up by the time we get landscaping. Iggy loves the lawn but refused to get within ten feet of Number Three (who we are tentatively calling Bowie). Wuss, that dog weighs like one pound!

I want to replace and move forward (towards the street) the fence that connects the side fence to the house. A good solution to keep costs down, keep it private and break up the front profile of the house would be to do a wide plank slat fence. While looking around for  inspiration on wide plank fences, I recalled Stephanie Bartron’s work and really liked this take on the wide plank fence above. Problem is, I couldn’t get a very good image of it so I included three angles of the same project.

Now I just need Carpenter Craig to come out and help with some fence building. If you are reading this, I think next week works for me…

Fur Baby

Monday, October 25th, 2010

I’m not sure how I forgot, but puppies be motherf*cking crazy.

Good thing he is ADORABLE, or I might have to destroy this little baby at 3am when he starts going nuts thinking its puppy play time. The multiple trips getting up to take him to go potty throughout the night are also awesome, totally forgot how awesome potty training is. Oh, and he is a chewer. I’m not sure if it’s puppy teething, or if we got a chewer – but I’m worried. Iggy was never a big chewer and when he started to chew a tad bit we would always introduce toys to play with instead of chewing or bitter apple spray objects if we got worried.

But this little mofo is all over everything already. A complete chewing, pooping, maniac.

And a runner. And a jumper.

He is fearless, where Iggy was fearful. He is an adventurer, where Iggy was always a bit of a lethargic homebody. I’ve had to follow him around and keep track of his every move since he is not to be trusted.

But, come on! He is the cutest little muffin butt, still so tiny and mewly and pink tongued and puppy breathed and with itty-bitty tiny poop.

Iggy is not impressed with the new addition. He is hesitant and runs away anytime the puppy wants to engage in a little bit of one on one action. I’m watching them sleep together right now, but I’m pretty sure Iggy is unaware of the puppies presence or he would high tail it out of the room immediately. I’m sure once Iggy gets used to him they will be friends, I think he’s just really weirded out by the new wiggly thing roaming the house.

Good thing this baby has tiny bursts of energy and then sleeps or I would go crazy. I can’t imagine having a real baby, you know…one that you can’t leave home alone without someone calling the cops.

The house is a mess, everything is moved around and puppy proofed, it’s drizzled and rained non-stop for what seems like three weeks straight, so absolutely nothing is getting done. I think I have SAD, and might need the sun back to function properly.

The pupper still has no name. Sad right? We just call him puppy.

So, things have been busy and I’m neglectful of the house and the blog and projects because other fun commitments. Things should hopefully settle down soon, maybe I’ll get some sleep, maybe I’ll pick up and do laundry, those dirty dishes are totally staring at me – but so is email, design projects, and google reader (which just exploded), projects, puppy training time and potty training. Also, neutering and shots and all those fun things are on the schedule. Say goodbye to your balls, puppy friend!

The Great Rearrangement

Thursday, October 21st, 2010

Marvel at the power of human beings moving things. Things like coffee tables.

Remember this one from Craigslist? BOOM. In the den now.

The giant Burly Beast? BOOM. Living room.

It only weighs about 500lbs. I think I blew a gasket and The Boy has a shiny new hernia.

Still need a new mantel.

What about lights? You might have noticed the new Craigslist bubble lamp made its way into the bedroom.

But what of the lucite/gold motherf*cker?

BOOM. Guest bedroom.

Which means the Sputnik had to find a new home…

BOOM. Back to the den.

See that? How I made that circle back to the den? Those are blogging skills.

As you can see we moved some stuff around, moved other things to storage and are testing out the new arrangement. So far? Good to go. Weather and schedules have been a little nuts, so exterior projects have been put on hold. Which gets me all itchy for change and then the interior takes the brunt of my crazy.