Archive for 2010


Thursday, February 4th, 2010

I had to go to MOCA for work (oh, I know how awful) and saw these little cast cement planters on casters outside the new Lemonade cafe. They roll around! They hold plants! They are cement! They are awesome!

This couldn’t be too hard to DIY, right? I foresee concrete casting in our future. Also frustration.

I also saw Paul Schimmel in his Cosby sweater and tagged along on a little tour he was giving to some donors. How highbrow.

And yeah, get ready because I am totally going to post a ton of pictures of the permanent collection show.

So suck it.

Herman Miller

Wednesday, February 3rd, 2010

I did a little interview for the Herman Miller Lifework blog. We talked about my office/den and I realized I have nothing useful to say about organization. It did force me to update the tour of the den. Rad.

Check it out HERE if you are so inclined.

Now if they would just send me some fancy Herman Miller stuff I would be the luckiest girl around. I’d take an ottoman for my fake Eames lounger, oh you know what, why not just throw the chair in too. I’ll be holding my breath.


Tuesday, February 2nd, 2010

I found this firewood hoop at a local hardware store for about $20. It’s currently holding a sad selection of wood mangled out of the weed tree we cut down before starting the back patio project. It’s about the only exterior addition that has happened in the last few weeks because of the constant unstoppable rain.

The Boy lit the inaugural fire in the newly primed and sealed (we used Rust-Oleum Black High Heat Paint on the interior) fire pit.

The verdict?

No explosions or shrapnel, that the internet warned of – just a little bit of cracking in one section of the mortar. But, with issues in the construction already manifesting this might turn out to be a temporary structure. A little rethinking is looking like it will be necessary.

Now we just need to finish up figuring out the installation of the square cement pavers. And then do it. Ugh.