Archive for 2010


Tuesday, January 26th, 2010

I was driving home from a neighboring town last week when I saw some hand painted signs promising Consignments! Antiques! Rugs! Vintage! COME ON. That is my siren song – so I pulled over into this industrial enclave of warehouses and followed these signs with big promises right into this terrible import store.

Needless to say, there were no Consignments! Antiques! Vintage! but there were tons of Rugs! Actually, lots of kilims imported from Afghanistan, a smattering of Suzanis as well as a bunch of teak Pier One looking furniture.

I pawed through a stack of flat woven vegetable dyed kilims while two frat boys tried to sell me on the exotic romanticism of a faraway land. OMG – the prices were OUTRAGEOUS. Like $485 for a not so interesting runner.

In the stack I ran into this hand dyed / hand loomed blanket from Afghanistan. It’s lovely and super soft and I dug on the big graphic neutral stripes.

Iggy loves it and they totally match.

I love how warm it is…much warmer than the Ralli quilt.

Maybe it’s not a good aesthetic fit for the master bedroom. Too brown, perhaps? I’ve been dying for a neutral blanket in here, but not like depressingly neutral.


Monday, January 25th, 2010

Donna Palimino, I hope one day you google your name out of vanity or boredom and somehow this post finds you. I have your slightly suggestive (and mildly inappropriate) dolphin stroking photo taken at the Miami Seaquarium in 1980.

It’s currently installed in my hallway, right outside the master bedroom. For romance of course.


Friday, January 22nd, 2010

The Brick House Tour tab is up and running. Check it out for an organized view of most of the place.

I’ll keep it updated as we switch things around (which totally will happen ALL THE TIME) and when we get other projects (like the exterior) further along the road to finished.

Enjoy the weekend, homies.