A moment of overly dramatic silence please.
Thank you.
BAM! We took the shelf down.
Well, not just down, but booted it out of the house for good. Which means this bad boy is gone FOREVER. It’s off to a better place, a place full of wonder and magic that will appreciate and love it for all its shelfy glory.
Iggy, lurker Gary and The Boy took it apart in about twenty minutes after I struggled to undo it by myself for about a day. Having many hands is a good tip to know if you happen to build one of these and eventually need to take it apart or sell it on Craigslist (which seems to be happening pretty frequently). Go team Coors Light.
Like a disheveled prom queen after a bender, this thing looks busted up.
In reality it’s just in pieces piled in with the rest of Emily Henderson’s giant array of swag from the Rose Bowl. Don’t worry, I gave them a picture to sort out how it all goes back together.
Hey! It’s Team Emily – Chris, Orlando and Emily as well as a super sweet fan who wanted her picture taken with the dream team. Sorry for horning in on your moment with my iPhone.
Nicer folks you do not know. Emily is adorable and has the shopping endurance of a seasoned pro, Chris and Orlando are fantastic and ever so helpful.
So, the shelf will be installed in Emily’s new ‘studio’ set on her soon to premiere show Secrets From a Stylist (February 26th home slice!). How excited are you guys for this show? Me? I’m very excited. Trust me, it is going to blow your mind into little design chunks.
In other words, it’s good. Real good.
Now I just need to figure out what’s next for that open wall space in the living room…