Archive for February, 2011


Friday, February 4th, 2011

The Boy bought this ugly little carnival style tiger on a geode slice as a joke to drive me crazy. He likes to stash it around the house for me to find and then hide away from him again. It’s a little game of rotating ugly tchotchke we torture each other with. Well, as he knows all to well, don’t be starting something you can’t finish because I will take it up a thousand notches and destroy you.

Hey there good looking. Cluck cluck cluuuuck.

So, Red McHennypants was found at The Salvation Army of all places. Marked as bric-a-brac for a whopping $2.95, after the store discount she was a great investment at $1.77.

Yes, I know. She is a taxidermy chicken. A vintage secondhand taxidermy chicken. It’s weird and gross, but now the stakes of the rotating ugly tchotchke game have gone way up.

Next time you turn on a light. BOOM. Chicken.

There she is. Waiting for you.

Maybe you want to sit down? OH NO, I put a bird on it.

Eames? Way more uncomfortable with a bird on it.

She lays giant black geodesic ceramic eggs – and looks proud to be doing it.

Where’s Chippy? There she is! Failing to hide…

I’m glad to report that it’s totally working and he immediately told me to get that disgusting thing out of the house. No way. You mess up my vignettes, I mess up your soul.

Also check out Portlandia, where you can PUT A BIRD ON IT.


Thursday, February 3rd, 2011

On Sunday, I snuck off to The Ace Hotel & Swim Club to check out Hitched.

Just to clarify, The Boy and I are not married. We certainly have a touch of the common law (since we’ve been together for over eight years) but we’ve never done the big ol’ day thing nor do we have any real interest. I’m not totally sure why, it’s not that I’m opposed to the marriage thing, it’s just never been a high priority or more truthfully any sort of priority for me. The entire wedding process seems like a lot of time, effort and money that I’d rather put into furniture and caulk ’cause I’m house crazy, obviously.

I was contacted by a great company in the UK to cover the event, so I put on my girl reporter hat and headed out with Laure, Bianca and Amaya (who is blog-less, but shockingly the queen of wedding info).

*oops. someone had way too much fun…or maybe the wedding jitters set in.

It was lots of girly campy fun with synchronized swimming, tons of glitter, bite sized foods and drink sampling.

I mean, you sort of win me over with little cans of champagne. I’ll go anywhere, no matter how silly or outrageous or uncomfortable, for endless teeny cans of champagne with straws. I’ll happily hang out in a Levitz or a Mor Furniture for Less or even an Applebees if you just kept handing me those free wee cans of champagne. Retailers of the world – take note!