Archive for April, 2011


Tuesday, April 19th, 2011

Hey now. It’s a really big sale!

Summer and I are very excited for our upcoming vintage pop-up shop hosted at Elephant with my old chum Bianca – so it’s a Modernhaus + BrickHouse + Terri Planty extravaganza! There will be furniture and art and terrariums and accessories galore to make your home a little more full of stuff.

Mark your calendars – Sunday, May 15 | 12 – 5pm.

For everyone outside the LA area feeling a wee bit left out, guess what?! We will have a special selection of larger presale items on eBay in the coming weeks that will have the option of local pick up, national shipping or delivery to the sale. I know! It’s a crazy amount of work! Keep your eyes peeled, I’ll post about it soon.

I’m selling off all my extra awesome vintage stuff to raise funds for landscaping – because plants ain’t cheap and I’m sick of weeds. Also, Jeremy may kill me if we don’t clear out the garage.

BTW: Is there anything I’ve featured here on the bloggity that you folks are interested in? Still sorting out my KEEP and SELL piles…


Thursday, April 14th, 2011

My little DIY fence bench was a top finalist for the ReadyMade 100 and was recreated for the magazine and published with instructions for their April/May issue. Sadly, I didn’t win top bad ass project because I failed. I’m a failure.

Oh come on, I’m just screwing around. It’s awesome and I’m super psyched to be included.

Here is the original bench in all it’s reclaimed woody glory. You can check out instructions for making it HERE. Also, it looks like you can order a book that includes all 100 projects right HERE.

Thanks to ReadyMade and all the judges for thinking I’m only a little bit of a failure. You know, on the winningest side of failure.


Tuesday, April 12th, 2011

Awhile ago I found this super amazing mini chrome arc lamp and thought, oh I really love it, it’s so amazing and 70’s and sexy and sassy and makes my mouth water. The only problem is that it’s all by its lonesome.


Now I’ve got a pair. How is this possible? By what crazy miracle, right?

Well, one day I get this text message from Sharon that is like, hey, is this your lamp? Then the picture pops up and I freak out, because yes, it is the other half to my lamp and someone I know is standing very close to it. I asked where are you? Where is it? How do I get my greedy hands on it? Turns out it’s in an antique mall (you know the kind, with all the booths of faux Victorian and beanie baby stuff) and because the place doesn’t traffic in “vintage modern” stuff it turns out that the price is delectable.

I immediately text back buy buy buy and amazingly she did because she is amazing. Now it’s here chilling in the bedroom even though my plans for finishing the bedroom do not necessarily include these bad boys. I have another place I’ve been dreaming of putting them…

Gratuitous dog photos, I know, but it’s becoming kind of an issue to take photos without these two getting all up in my grill. Truthfully, more like Bowie getting all up in it, since he’s the camera slut.

The bedroom needs some work. The textiles are whacktastic, but mainly they are functional place holders – except for this brown blanket which I love and will always remain. (Thanks Summer!)

Still need:

bigger rug
closet handles
proper bedding

Never ending stuff to do around here, peeps. Important, life altering, serious high minded work to be done – like picking out sheets once and for all. Serious business, I’m telling you.