The Boy surprised me by taking down our ratty exterior porch lights and installing the small FADO pendants while I was at work. I’m glad he did it since the front porch fixture had a fun surprise – an old hornet nest! I would have probably freaked out and fell off the ladder…good thing he kept a cool head and realized that there were no hornets in there, well except a few dead ones.
I didn’t get a chance to get before photos of the above craptastic fixtures installed- but I think you can infer how awesome they looked.
Here are the new FADO globe lamps installed. Impressively round.
*Back porch & front porch – extreme close-up action.
This may be the first exterior change we’ve made since moving in. The exterior is in sad shape, so extremely sad that when the police stopped by to check on a complaint about a transient woman roaming around on our front porch (which turned out to be ME checking out our new porch light with my painting clothes on – jeeezzz how embarrassing) they thought the place was abandoned and were pleasantly surprised to find people actually living there – in style.