Archive for the ‘before’ Category

Bathroom Shelf

Monday, September 21st, 2009

We painted, caulked and rehung the mirror. Woohoo.

To do:

-Cabinet handles
-Shower curtain
-Shower curtain track
-Hang Art
-Towel hooks

Bathroom Shelf

Wednesday, September 16th, 2009

Hey it’s my 300th post!

Wow, somehow I’m a little more sad about that than celebratory. I just see all that time. Gone. Oh man.

Anyhoo, we custom built a long shelf in the fleshy pink bathroom. I despise stuff cluttering my bathroom counters, but somehow a tastefully arranged shelf seems a little more artful. Plus I’m going to install a little hook to hang my ugly dryer from and some hand towels. The hair dryer drives me bonkers – but not bonkers enough to put it away everyday.

We still need to raise the mirror, install hardware, caulk and paint everything to finish it all off.

Ugh. Bathroom. Hot mess.


Friday, September 11th, 2009

Almost half a year ago I picked up this pair of trashed bubble lamps. A dealer I had been bartering with pulled them out of a house in Orange County and proceeded to poke holes in them accidentally on the trip home. They were smoke stained, beat-up and sort of wilting in his garage storage; but I thought they were pretty rad. He didn’t think he could sell them in their terrible condition so he let me take them for free and try my hand at restoring them.

Well, they never got restored. I had BIG plans, and the lamps sat and sat and sat.

I started to enjoy the weird color and tattered vintage quality. It’s what The Boy likes to say when I bring thrashed stuff home or we accidentally break something, “its character”.

For $36 I bought I couple of pendant cord kits and decided to wire them up, flaws and all.

We installed them in the master bedroom hovering over each nightstand. Lighting around the bed has been consistently on my mind and I think this pair is a good fit, especially with the glam ceiling fixture.

Now I just need to style up those nightstands…