Archive for the ‘camp’ Category


Wednesday, April 17th, 2019

Hey! Who loves a sale?

It’s Spring and Mother’s Day is coming up and taxes are over so why not have a sale? I’m offering 25% off on everything in the CAMP SHOP with the code SAVE25. There are some new weaving’s and I’m looking at maybe adding some vintage turquoise jewelry if anyone’s interested in that sort of thing.

I’ve been trying to weave some different shapes and sizes to fit in all those odd nooks and crannies around the house. I know above my fireplace is a strangely laid out spot and I’ve been making some horizontal weaving’s specifically for areas like that. Is the horizontal layout of interest? I kind of enjoy doing them even though my looms aren’t really made for it.

Anyway, head on over to the CAMP SHOP if you feel like it and enter code SAVE25 at checkout to save 25% on anything in the shop that strikes your fancy. As always, there is free US shipping on everything and you can contact me for reasonable international shipping quotes.


Thursday, September 26th, 2013


One problematic quirk of this ‘ol brick house which isn’t always apparent despite some bold ugliness and a real talent for causing deep boiling frustration inside me. Hey wait, is it that awkward looking ceiling medallion?


Well, sort of.


Nightmare. Electrical. Ceiling. Boxes.

Roughly carved into every ceiling, these 14″ square holes of wires and chaos forever need to be concealed when installing any hardwired light fixture around the house. Lacking any sort of clever or modern option to cover these monster holes, I’ve always grabbed the cheapest and least gaudy ceiling medallion available. Afterwards I’ve tried to ignore how much I hate them and the way they look. Stupid medallions.

So, after five years of endless light fixture swapping, hoarding and medallion tolerating all I wanted was to be free of clutter and simplify down to the basics. This need to minimize down to the simplest base of form and function was how I eventually built the Simple Light. So now that the simple light is being installed throughout the house We need a simple medallion to match. So?




Simply a minimal plywood circle for covering up your holes, you know, modernly.



Drill + Wood Drill Bit
Tape Measure
Pen / Pencil
16″ Birch Plywood Disc
ScotchBlue™ Painter’s Tape



1. Find and mark the center of the circle. (Here is a guide)

* I used 12″ strips of ScotchBlue™ Painter’s Tapeto figure out the center points (aka 6″) of the two sides of the circle. Using that 6″ mark as a guide, I taped two straight lines across the middle of the circle. Where the two tape lines cross is the center point!

2. Drill a center hole through the plywood disc that is large enough to easily accommodate lamp wire or your particular light fixture.

* TIP: apply ScotchBlue™ Painter’s Tape over the spot you plan to drill through and then drill through the tape. The tape makes it easy to drill a clean smooth edge hole and will stop any splintering.

3. Depending on how your fixture installs, thread the lamp wire or fixture body through the new smooth drilled hole.

4. Install it all up!



I ended up taking the white lamp down and installed a brass one. Why? ‘Cause I’m fickle. I don’t know.

Depending on your fixture and how it installs, you can attach this medallion like most others. I installed these lights per their normal method, but added the medallion by threading the pipe nipple through the center hole and then twisting it into the fixture bracket until everything was tight and flush.



Overall? DIY Medallion? Success.

Modern, minimal, easy and super cheap to do. Simplify covering up ugly holes without making a big fuss about it. So, heads up other lamps around the house, looks like its updated medallion time for you crazy weirdos.



scotchblue, scotchblue painter's tape, painter's tape, tape


This post is a collaboration with ScotchBlue™ Painter’s Tape. To join the creative community, visit the ScotchBlue™ Painter’s Tape Facebook Page, tweet us via th ScotchBlue™ Painter’s Tape Twitter Page or get inspired by the ScotchBlue™ Painter’s Tape Pinterest Page.



Sunday, September 8th, 2013


Howdy strangers.

No excuses. No explanations. No blogging.

Mostly there’s been nothing interesting house project-wise to share with everyone, so I’ve made an effort to quell the rampant onslaught of self promotion type posts that were piling up around here and boring folks. Lacking for much else content-wise, summer conveniently looked like a good time to log off to focus on work and all sorts of things that remain dully unbloggable.

FYI, Google Reader shut down like a jerk and destroyed the only way I kept abreast of things. So I’ve assumed everyone has stopped blogging.


As of now?

Things are busy and chug-chug-chugging along. The house is full of boxes stacked on top of towers of more boxes stuffed with some other boxes. Sometimes I run into a small herd of roaming dogs in the chaos. Mostly everything looks like crap all the time. I need a work space, i need some help, this website needs a gut overhaul and maybe we need to find a new house.


So hello again.

I’ve got some diy and other posts lined up for the future and maybe they are good? Who knows, I’m pretty rusty at this crap. Also, I need to catch up on wee bit of self promotion here and there. Apologies in advance. Like now.





A limited batch of leather + brass hex pulls as well as a few of the new white Simple Light are now available in the CAMP shop. They’re really nice. Just like your face.