(BEFORE) (like really before before, shot during our inspection)
After we painted and reconstructed the guest bedroom wall it was time to style it all up. I bought two new things for the guest bedroom decorating extravaganza:
1. Enje white roller shades (3) from Ikea
2. White jersey sheets (on sale for $12.50!) at Target
Otherwise, everything else was lying around the house that we needed to decorate this bitch up. And I think I can prove it…

Hey, it’s the guest bedroom credenza hiding back behind the couch so very long ago. We bought this piece years before we ever moved to The Brick House. If memory serves it was found at a Salvation Army and was $60.

Wow, a really eye jarringly ugly and old version of the master bedroom. The Malou Ikea duvet set is now gracing the guest bed and the Ikea Vinstra bed frame was our first ever bed frame we owned.

The Ikea Jorun blanket is still a favorite.

One of my $50 Craigslist cowhides is cozying up the floors.

My first butterfly chair picked up at Angel View Thrift in Palm Springs.

The $40 Craigslist sputnik chandelier.

The $50 ebay brass Laurel lamp.

My free bubble lamp pendants.

Ahhhh, Connie. I freed you of that horrid frame.
The kilim art is a painting as well…

I was going through all the old posts to find the pieces that ended up in the guest bedroom and realized that I never ever posted about this pair of tables I picked up. I found them months ago at a roadside estate sale and immediately shoved them into the guest bedroom where they languished away under piles of crap. Marked Lyon – Made in Denmark, they are teak and cost $50 for the pair.
Still to do:
-Closet door handles (custom)
-TV, Ugh.
-Alarm clock