I moved the pair of Bertoia diamond chairs from the living room into the master bedroom to modern things up a bit…well and because they got pushed out of the living room by the new butterfly chair and orange lounger.
The Bertoia diamond chairs replaced this pair of Brown Jordan chairs. So, to keep track…the bedroom before is above with the more regency style chairs.
Then the Brown Jordan faux bamboo chairs ended up moving to the kitchen breakfast bar to replace the Bertoia side chairs
Which then had to be moved out to the patio…
So to recap, a little diagram:
Living room—-Bertoia Diamond—Bedroom—Jordan Brown Faux Bamboo—Kitchen—-Bertoia Side—-Patio
Wow that was lame! And for another equally lame recap:
I have many chairs and only one butt. (-/ = chair, 3 = butt)
-/ -/ -/ -/ -/ -/ > 3
I’m just super addicted to chairs – its like crack. I gotta get my fix.