Archive for the ‘Iggy’ Category


Thursday, March 1st, 2012

As alluded to earlier, I’ve been continuing that experimentation with rugs thing by picking up this vintage kilim for the guest bedroom off Etsy for a sweet $75.

Handmade and thinly flat woven, this sassy rug has a nicely worn texture and great asymmetric pattern in a neutral deserty palette that seamlessly fits in with everything else around this place.

Duh. Of course. All things browntown are welcomed with here with open arms.

Unlike the other colorful rug I’m continuing to struggle with in the living room, this one is a definite keeper and will likely end up in the go-to rotation of props I enjoy using for styling stuff.

Too bad this blanket just ain’t working and the bed is still is a mess. I’ll eventually regret that bit of laziness seeing that internet photos live forever and occasionally come back to haunt you.

Oh well. That’s still one sexy ass rug.


So brown. So very beautifully brown.

Hey dogs? Please don’t destroy it, you crazy unpredictable beasts!


Thursday, December 22nd, 2011

Blah blah…been super busy. Blah blah awesome projects…blah blah…I can’t wait to share. Blah blah…been neglecting the house. Blah blah…traveling and stuff. Blah blah…hey look, some more dog photos. Blah.

I’m a bit of a brooding black cloud of awful during this, the merriest of all seasons, so these two fur beasts playing with some sparkly stuff is about as festive as things can get.

Bring on the spring!
Bring on the sun!
Burn the holiday music compilations!

Can we meet back here next year? I need to go and moodily sulk around nice people filled with joyous cheer and wonder.


Happy holidays or whatever!



Thursday, August 25th, 2011

These little feisty freeloaders spend hours lounging in the guest bedroom, soaking up all the delicious late afternoon sunshine their wee little chihuahua bodies can handle.

Lazy little jerks.

Make the bed at least.

Currently they are floating by, living the high life on pure adorable. Though, this can wear thin when they misbehave (Bowie, I’m looking at you, you crazy puppy monster).

Right now it’s all the dry food, discounted toys and tap water they can handle. A luxurious lifestyle to be sure.

Catching these beasts relaxing in the tranquil afternoon light reminded me that I haven’t posted about SO MANY of the minor updates around the pad. All sorts of updating has been going down, unspoken of and unrevealed.

For shame.

Every little change must be cataloged and written of! Every shift documented and described!

So, little dogs, you’ve once again earned your keep by reminding me of my own failings. The kibble will continue to flow.

For now.

*In here? I got some new linens and changed up the art. Whoa. Whoa. I know, it’s like I don’t even know where I am anymore. Oh, I got a new lamp you can’t see. So, there’s that.

Well, wait. Here is a really old version of this room. Yikes. Tour updates are definitely in order.