Archive for the ‘Iggy’ Category

Vignette updates

Wednesday, June 16th, 2010

We did a thorough cleaning of the house for the sale (which is always a good time to take some pictures) and I remembered that I haven’t updated how things have shifted around in awhile. I’ve moved around some stuff and styled up some vignettes differently than before, but I guess nothing truly major has happened on the decorating front.

Tired Dog Zoom View!

Iggy was so worn out after meeting so many new people on Saturday. He is nine pounds of fury with just little bits of energy. Champion napper, just like The Boy.


Wednesday, June 2nd, 2010

There is this guy offering reproduction rocker bases on my local Craigslist for $60 a pop. I wanted to switch up the bland base that was on my black Eames and the price seemed reasonable for a rocker with walnut runners.

We emailed, which turned into phone calls, which turned into an appointment to come by and check it out. When I showed up a few days later…well…it was a disaster. I called him on my way to his house. No answer. Called again. No answer. Got to his house (a good forty five minutes away from TBH) and knocked. Then waited for ten minutes. Called again and heard some shuffling and grumbling behind the closed door.

Slowly the door cracks open a few inches and this massive greasy swath of bedhead and two sleepy eyes peak out at me. I say, “Hi, I’m Morgan”. He says “Oh. OH. Yeah…those bases aren’t ready. I didn’t get around to putting them together. I had family over and just, uh, lost track of time.”

Seriously? What a dick.

“I can send it to you if you want. Uh, for free.”

What? Like in the mail? Like leave my cash with you and hope I get a base sent to me? No thanks, dude.

I left his door step in a disgruntled huff. He eventually emailed trying to make amends and offered to deliver it to me in Hemet. “Well, maybe not all the way. Maybe you could meet me by the freeway.” Again, seriously? Dick.

I told him I was just too busy to leave and meet him AGAIN. I had made time and driven to him once and now he needed to come all the way to me or not at all.

He came. He was disgruntled. I was disgruntled. Sounds like a perfectly appropriate Craigslist transaction.

Iggy loves that shit though. As soon as I screwed the rocker base on I wanted to take some pictures but Iggy refused to move his little seal pup butt. They match!


Saturday, May 1st, 2010


I bought some more cowhides. There was a snafu, not the best deal ever, but a bit of one. Better than ebay but not as good as craigslist. Let’s just leave it at that, agreed?

Iggy can be a disgusting jerk and has systematically ruined every rug in the house except for the cowhides. Sometimes I think just to spite me. He won’t mark cowhides or throw up on them or gingerly carry chunks of poo nuggets to leave scattered about on them. The hides remain unsoiled, pristine and lovely without that damn little dog raging war on them. The rest of the house is weirdly safe, it’s just that any cushy rug I bring into the house is immediately marked for destruction. And I have had ENOUGH. I snapped. I bought cowhides.

So cowhide. I’m a fan.