First off, thanks to everyone who came out to WORK / SHOP this past weekend. I believe we had a rollicking good time and the night was quite the success for all. Special thanks to Kate Miss and Bianca of Chaparral Studio for organizing the whole thing, Michael – aka – The Flash Dance for making the beats drop (is that how DJ’s talk? I’m sorry) and Laure Joliet for taking all these great photos.
Sooooo WORK / SHOP marked the very (very very very) soft launch of my new retail venture CAMP.
Yup! I’m making stuff! Stuff for your home! I know, right? Here’s a little preview of some of my new wares courtesy of my instagram feed.

Hooray! After months and months of prototyping, experimenting and cursing the skies in frustration? I finally designed and perfected three products: Simple Light / Simple Pendant / Saltillo Pillow
Its a start. I’m kind of a perfectionist. Give me a break.
Somehow, even without the shop launched, I’m out of stock on most everything. Captain of industry over here with the having no stock, but no worries, I’m in the process of shooting product photos with something other than my iPhone, finalizing shipping details and hand making more of everything. Obviously I’ll announce when the shop is launching for real and things can actually be purchased.
But for now? Take a gander and say hello to CAMP.