Archive for the ‘travel’ Category

Spring Break is over. BOO HOO

Monday, April 6th, 2009

I’m back from vacation in the magical and mystical city of Laughlin, NV. Thankfully this wizard bus was around to remind me of the infinite charms of this strange strange place.

I did not win big : (

So, no fancy remodels. I was fantasizing about a ridiculous jackpot win that would allow us to afford all sorts of rehabs to happen. No luck though…

Not even at BINGO.

I did come home to a primed house! The boy got his paint on and started the long tedious task of caulking, priming and painting all that cement brick. He is awesome, but not done…

…and also not a huge fan of painting. FU Brick House!


Thursday, April 2nd, 2009

I’m heading out to Laughlin to spend the rest of my Spring Break going wild! WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO

See you in a few days my lovelies….

The Parker

Tuesday, March 10th, 2009

My BFF and I entertained ourselves in Palm Springs this weekend thrifting and decided to finally check out The Parker. Sorry about the Worst Photos Ever (iPhones are really the most amazing things though).

It is the cutest hotel. It is also the only place I’ve ever paid $14 for an espresso martini – but it was probably the best drink I’ve had in YEARS. Much as I would love to party there, I just can’t afford it. The bar and lounge are great and so perfectly styled: comfy, granny glam, and a little tongue & cheek kitschy. The outdoor areas are just what my fantasy landscaping looks like – oh man just all the beautiful chairs…

I was in heaven.

We were starving and feeling a bit pinched after the
pricey Parker, so we stopped at The Ace Hotel’s  King’s Highway Diner. So good, simple and affordable. The servers were very friendly, and the design was clean, industrial, a little rustic and mid century all at the same time. Plus we loved the big elephant.