Archive for the ‘vintage’ Category

Phoenix Modern

Wednesday, March 16th, 2011

Of course I had to stop into a couple of vintage stores while in Phoenix. There was a whole slew of shops on Seventh Ave, and I had grandiose hopes of stopping at them all. I fell really short of that plan but the two that were the most interesting had to be Phoenix Metro Retro and Modern Manor.

Situated right next to each other in a little industrial area, these two shops had killer vintage pieces that made me drool all over the place. Too bad there weren’t any killer deals, but the pricing seemed fair in terms of the vintage store model and the selection was to die for. I was a little heartbroken that I couldn’t afford, nor could fit a number of pieces in our rental car, including that lovely vintage Akari lamp. I’ve been searching and begging and hoping to find one of my own, but alas, I couldn’t justify buying another freaking lamp for our pad – especially one that was $300.

Now a few sofas were tempting me and a little rocking safari chair in army green canvas almost did make it into the car. I practiced restraint. Lots and lots of restraint.


Thursday, March 10th, 2011

Still have the chesterfield sofa. It’s safe for now.

But I did recently thrift this giant ceramic lamp to balance out all the brown. Also, I feel like it must be known that all giant studio pottery lamps are the shiz and I cannot be dissuaded from this belief.

Oops, just noticed my book is upside down. IGNORE ME.

Also picked up this wacko still life painting that has now replaced the Navajo rug in the guest bedroom. So fresh, so clean – except for the painting kind of looks like it could give you gonorrhea.

Gonorrhea in a good way? Mmmmmhmmmm.

Brown Town

Thursday, March 3rd, 2011

Maybe it’s been made obvious over these past few years, but I have a lil’ bit of a sofa problem. Just a wee little problem. You know, just a small, minuscule, tiny, insignificant issue with obtaining sofas. No big thang. No real worries. No extremism. Nothing to call a specialist about. No deep rooted psychological pathologies.

Shut up.

I’m blaming The Boy…kind of. He and his less than design enthused friends have complained over and over that the sofas I buy are too low or too hard or too uncomfortable or too mid century or too whatever. In the comfy television watching den this debate has raged on and on while they sipped crappy beers and watched Nascar. Yes – NASCAR. In my home. The nerve.

Sharing my long unrequited love for chesterfields – Summer found the perfect little petite sofa and begrudgingly emailed it to me. I thought nothing could be more Boy pleasing than a deeply comfy and broken-in vintage chesterfield to sit on while watching manly things on the tube. He has yet to really wax lovingly about my thoughtful gift, but has taken the time to remark, “No more goddamn sofas. Aren’t you tired of moving sofas?”. NEVER.

The den is shifting into all brown town and getting a bit more masculine than I’d like. Now I just need some new art and new pillows and a new shelving unit and a new light and a new chair. Just a whole new room, no biggie.

Bowie likes it a whole bunch and he’s adorable, so therefore by the bylaws of adorable transference the sofa is now legally adorable. I called Iggy into the room to take some photos and add to the adorableness quotient, but once he rounded the corner and saw the camera and Bowie, he briefly sized up the situation and then turned heel and hopped back into bed to continue his nap. Iggy ain’t having none of our crap anymore. I don’t know how any of them put up with me.