Hello from the dead.
This is still a blog right? Right. Sort of. Kind of.
Not much has been happening around the house, but I’ll try and update about a few random things. Like what? Well maybe you recall my obsession with all things vintage fiber art.
I took up weaving awhile ago and have been obsessed with it. If you’ve followed along on my Instagram you might have noticed.

I’ve been inspired by the texture, scale and palette of the mid century weavers whose work I admire and collected and gather a lot of my material from thrift stores and vintage sources. I prefer weaving with natural and utilitarian materials and like the limited nature of using vintage dye lots

I’ve been weaving all sorts of different sizes and shapes, from very small mini weaving’s to monumental pieces and I’m interested in going even larger and trying out new methods of weaving besides the frame loom.
So, I taught myself weaving through online tutorials and good old trial and lots and lots of failure. It took a long time before I felt comfortable and now I’m beyond obsessed with the actual practice and all the techniques and materials that go along with it. It reminds me a lot of being in art school and painting and how obsessive I would get with paint and technique – but this has been so much more fun and freeing in a certain way. I love the texture and abstract nature and the distinct feel of the fiber.

This may have been a bit of a weird topic to return to the blog on, but its been the main thing I’ve been doing for the last long while and the one thing I’m really in love with. The house is officially overrun with fibers, both vintage and new, and there’s no sign of that stopping.
So, like revealing anything creative you’ve been working on out into the larger internet world I sure hope this isn’t a total disaster. I know they aren’t about the house but I love doing them and it’s been going pretty well. If you’d like to see more, I have some pieces available in the CAMP Provisions Shop
I also have been doing some commission work and have a few spots open if there is a particular size or colorway you’re interested in. Just drop me an email to get details.
So HELLO again. Maybe a landscape update is due.