Etsy Shop!

February 28th, 2009

Big News!!!
(More accurately, moderate news)

The Brick House is totally going commercial. Come check out my vintage wares for sale on Etsy!


Oh, so this explains all the fancy blog changes – I’m selling out!
This is my first time working it on Etsy so please be gentle.

I’ll be uploading items as either The Boy FREAKS out at all the awesome stuff I bring home, or I just can’t fit another owl themed thing in my closet. Stop by and check it out, I’ll be sure to post some featured items here on the bloggity blog.

Like this owl themed mail organizer. I think you might need it!

Apartment Therapy

February 25th, 2009

Thanks to Laure from Apartment Therapy for mentioning my new vintage coffee table. Man, I love AT.

If this is your first time visiting The Brick House – welcome! Try and enjoy it.

Some folks have been curious what I paid for the round mid century coffee table (it was $100 BTW). So the coffee table at its discounted price passes the $100 rule. What is this wacky $100 rule? I stole the idea from a brillant friend who never pays over $100 for found furniture. If you really want it and are willing to put in the time and legwork you can find almost anything for under $100. Sometimes I break the rules for really big things, like my dining table pictured below. I paid $150 for it.

If your new, you may have some questions like…

What is this The Brick House? Why is this blog not very informative? Whats with all the Mid Century nonsense?


-I’m a broke lover of vintage trying to make good on a house that is a little weird, and needs a lot of work.
-I am not a very skilled DIY-er. Neither is The Boy who shares the house with me. We screw up a lot.
-I have unrealistic dreams of having a Dwell worthy home with no budget and a mediocre house.
-I live in possibly the most boring retirement town in California.
-There are GREAT vintage treasures to be found since everyones always dying.

So there you have it. Stop by and read my silly stuff, check out my vintage finds and kill some time. Maybe one day I’ll be a better DIY-er and you could learn something!

Selling things…

February 17th, 2009

In order to take control of the increasing plethora of stuff at the Brick House I resolve to sell something when I bring something home. With the new coffee table something’s gotta go and I do have LOTS of chairs.

Check them out on Craigslist if your near the Inland Empire.

Wassily Chair

Gold Mid Century Chair

Yeah! Buy my stuff!

***Update – they are sold! Along with a few other things. Craigslist success has been achieved.***