August 29th, 2011

Been toying with the nutty notion of taking my interior documentation slightly more seriously by curbing the usual “phoning it in” style of camera work and post production editing that my blog laziness prefers. In a tiny step towards that end, I picked up a basic vintage Minolta 50mm f1.7 lens for under a hundred bucks and then went all nerdtown around the house, shooting updated vignettes and detail images in an experimental fit of fixed focal lengths, big ‘ol apertures and shallow depth of field.

It’s an unending roller coaster of crazy excitement around here.

After shooting a ridiculous amount of images and putting the f/stops through their paces, I ended up attempting to explain bokeh to my exhausted dogs, who clearly couldn’t give two craps.

Come on. It’s not like those two could really grasp the concept with their teeny brains and total lack of interest.

After years spent in art school shooting film with vintage SLR’s and medium format cameras, I have a fondness for those 1970’s Japanese lenses that got shelved with digital. The allure of going Sony for a camera body was the lens mount compatibility with vintage Minoltas – meaning – I can stick old film lenses on my digital camera.

This vintage 50mm turned out to be both fantastic and stupid affordable. Of course, to feed my weird lens obsession, I keep an eye out for old camera gear bags at estate sales or while thrifting, because have you seen the prices on new lenses? It’s madness.


August 25th, 2011

These little feisty freeloaders spend hours lounging in the guest bedroom, soaking up all the delicious late afternoon sunshine their wee little chihuahua bodies can handle.

Lazy little jerks.

Make the bed at least.

Currently they are floating by, living the high life on pure adorable. Though, this can wear thin when they misbehave (Bowie, I’m looking at you, you crazy puppy monster).

Right now it’s all the dry food, discounted toys and tap water they can handle. A luxurious lifestyle to be sure.

Catching these beasts relaxing in the tranquil afternoon light reminded me that I haven’t posted about SO MANY of the minor updates around the pad. All sorts of updating has been going down, unspoken of and unrevealed.

For shame.

Every little change must be cataloged and written of! Every shift documented and described!

So, little dogs, you’ve once again earned your keep by reminding me of my own failings. The kibble will continue to flow.

For now.

*In here? I got some new linens and changed up the art. Whoa. Whoa. I know, it’s like I don’t even know where I am anymore. Oh, I got a new lamp you can’t see. So, there’s that.

Well, wait. Here is a really old version of this room. Yikes. Tour updates are definitely in order.


August 24th, 2011

Bianca, Laure and I wandered into the desert to pick our way through the Joshua Tree landscape to enjoy the vast rocky outcroppings during what turned out to be a perfectly temperate evening. We ended up at Pappy and Harriet’s for pulled pork and cold beers and at some point while sitting under the clear stars and breathing that particularly fresh tangy air, I renewed a promise to build a modest homestead somewhere on this quietly calm and beautiful slab of California.


It would be amazing, this I promise.

For now, I’m looking to put together a modern retreat for a weekend of celebration, relaxing and desert exploration. I’ve been researching around for the perfect Joshua Tree pad for a few people stay at and enjoy. Preferably with a cowboy hot tub. And modernisim. And boulders.

Any suggestions or recommendations?