I avoid the holidays in the same way I’ve been avoiding blogging. Like a lot or something.
Worst. Time. Of. Year.
But hey, if you’re in LA this weekend and would like to see me try and avoid all kinds of things in person go ahead and stop by WORK / SHOP this Saturday evening. There will be great folks selling great unique wares that include vintage type small things from me. Yes, I’ve made some things such as lamps or pillows or other such smalls or whatever. So screw the holidays and your loved ones and come by and treat yourself to something nice. Also, that’s the only way I’m going to sell my things. It can only be sold to you for you since I hate the holidays so goddam much.
But I love you guys…and my dogs…and maybe the Boy.
Dec. 8th / 5-9pm
Elephant / 3325 Division St. Los Angeles, CA 90065
Come on by for funs and goods and etcetera.
Hope to see you there. Smile winky face exclamation points.