Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Viva Laughlin

Friday, September 19th, 2008

*Vi(v)a CBS

I was so inspired by the shortly lived musical-drama Viva Laughlin that I’ve decided to take a little 3 day vacation to that very same city. Boats, gambling, novelty drinks and the trashiest little town in the world – here I come!

I hope there will be a lot of singing of bad 80’s songs, dancing and jumping on gaming tables.

BTW – I’ve gone to Laughlin for years (and LOVE it) – and this picture above is the only time I’ve ever seen someone in that town wear a suit – let alone a shirt with sleeves. Oh and no cocktail waitress in any of the casinos is below the age of 65. That is why Viva Laughlin was so unsuccessful, it was completely taking for granted the charm and filth that is that city…maybe I’ll find something amazingly trashy for the house!

Now below is realistically along the lines of what to expect. Good times.

Palm Springs Vaca

Sunday, August 24th, 2008

After the big let down of the Long Beach Flea Market my best friend recommended we get away…to Palm Springs!

For the past week we have been swimming, drinking and enjoying a nice little vacation at the time-share of my BFF’s in laws. Thank you mysterious in laws, I had a great time going through your stuff.

Back at the Brick

Monday, June 9th, 2008


Vegas was fun, but I do feel like a ground up cigarette butt laying in a giant mucky puddle of filth right now. The house remained intact while I was away (this was my first big trip away – and it didn‘t burn down!), but none of the awesome DIY projects I left for the Boy got done (if I would have bet on that I might have actually won).

I didn’t even go thrift store shopping in Vegas. That just means I need to make up for it this week…

I did get a birthday present on my return. No, it wasn’t a hot beef injection you filthy monster, it was a new coverlet set! The Boy knew how much I longed for some new bedding and he picked it up. Pics coming soon…